Echolink Setup Recommendations


Echolink Setup Recommendations

In order for your system to be setup for proper net communication, the following changes are recommended from that which is supplied as default.

We will be looking at these areas in detail in a moment. Generally speaking the areas to be covered include: System Setup Timing, Preference Connections, and Preference Security for Single-users. For sysop's, along with those mentioned, additional areas would include, Sysop Setup Rx Ctrl, DTMF, and Options.

Tools > System Setup > Timing: Working from top to bottom should read: 30, 0, 0, 0, 1200.

Preferences > Connections: Uncheck "allow conferences". Check "Show name of connected conference"

Tools > Preferences > Security: Repeaters (-R), Links (-L), Users, and Conferences should all have a check in their respective boxes.

Tools > Sysop settings > Sysop Setup > Rx Ctrl: Vox delay 1500, Anti-thump 1200, Clrfreq delay 3000, Squelch crash anti trip checked. Duration 150.

Tools > Sysop settings > Sysop setup > DTMF: Log all commands, auto mute, Disable during PTT, all should be checked.

Tools > Sysop settings > Sysop setup > Options: Max key down time, and Dead-carrier timeout should both be set to zero. (Note: If you have a radio connected to your computer make sure to set your radio TOT (Time Out Timer).

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