Operations (Primary)
Check In and Net Procedures
This net will be functioning in a mirror image as to what is normally encountered on 7.251 MHz. There will be an assigned NCS conducting the proceeding, and entrance into this net will be via digitally generated voice communication via the internet.
It is asked of the participating members to please not transmit unless requested to do so by the NCS. The text box window found to the bottom right of your screen is usable, by you the user, to communicate to whomever you so desire during the net operation. The net control will not be monitoring this text box on a regular base and therefore should not be used to get his or her attention.
Please keep in mind that offensive or disturbing stations, and those not following the outline of this net will be handled solely by the discretion of the current NCS. Although we do not like to think of things of this nature, it should be understood that the NCS has the ability to disconnect a station, and further block this station from re-entry should the situation warrant such action.
Please note that RF stations entering the net through either echolink or an IRLP station so equipped are more than welcome. Should the level of Rf users be high enough, we are open to considering hourly sessions designed for their use only.
Your entrance to the net will be accomplished by connecting to *SCARS* found on Echolink towards the bottom of your main menu within the "Conference Server" area of the display. For those entering via IRLP you would be connecting to node 9614, which is Reflector 9610 channel 4.
This net operates on a First In, First Out (FIFO) bases and your active Net Control operator will be using a server generated document that shows in descending order the stations that have checked in. This list is available to you as well and can be found on the internet at the following address: http://voipnet.scarsvoip.com/users Additionally and for your convenience a detailed log showing times of connects and disconnects may be found at: (Again currently under re-construction)
It should be mentioned here that the *SCARS* conference server has a high degree of user capability, and further is located at an ISP location affording high throughput as to egress/ingress accountability. Technical data may be found on this site under "Control Server Information".
Please re-visit the "Breaking News" page found on this site on a regular base. This will allow you to keep current with the latest net information.