Welcome to SCARS VOip !

logo The SCARS VOip Net has been in full operation since the inaugural session was held on January 5, 2008. There were 102 stations participating on the first session. This is a voice net, digitally assisted and mirroring the operation found on our HF counterpart (7.251 MHz). VOip stands for "Voice over Internet Protocol". (Note that we emphasize the VOice!)

To participate you need a home computer equipped with a microphone, sound card and internet access. You can also participate with a laptop, smartphone or tablet. The program or application is called Echolink. This is a free program and one designed for hams, by hams. Only licensed hams can gain access to it's use.

It is easy to get started. General and technical information maybe found at www.echolink.org and the SCARSVOIP.COM web pages outlined on this site.

This net is based on several principals and goals. The need and desire to diversify in keeping with the state of technology and the varying interest levels of our membership. The need to find and support alternate methods for membership participation in keeping with an extremely vast, vibrant, and growing membership level.

The High Speed and multi-user conference server for this net is being supplied by:
The Great Lakes Reflector System (provided by W8MW).